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Article: Just keep swimming: Your Winter swimming survival guide is here!

Just keep swimming: Your Winter swimming survival guide is here!
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Just keep swimming: Your Winter swimming survival guide is here!

Well, it’s official. Winter is here. 🥶

If you’re like me and already feeling the chill, the last thing you want is to jump into the freezing cold water.

But did you know there are actually plenty of benefits of keeping the kiddos in swimming lessons year round? Let’s dive right in.

Why Winter swimming?

💦 Next immunity level unlocked 💦 

Myth: Swimming when the weather is cold will make you more likely to catch a cold. In fact, the opposite is true and it can actually help boost your child’s immunity to colds and the flu.

Higher fitness levels gained from swimming throughout the year build stronger immune systems and make them more resilient to illness. So if you want to keep those Winter bugs at bay? Then you better enrol them in lessons, like yesterday.

💦 Practice makes perfect 💦

Swimming is a staple here in Australia and all the water babies come out to play in the Summertime. From going to the beach, pools, fishing, boating, school carnivals and water parks, swimming is a popular pastime.

And like all skills, repetition is key for long-term swimming retention. So a significant break between classes can lead to a noticeable decline in ability, meaning they’ll need even more lessons to relearn everything they forgot.

To help retain their skills and not regress, get them in the pool and practising regularly during the Winter.

💦  Confidence is key 💦

Want your kids to maintain their confidence and independence in the water? Swimming all year round helps reinforce this for when Summer rolls around.

Discontinuation in the colder months can lead to a decline not only in technique and stamina, but in confidence. If they haven’t been regularly swimming in months, it’s likely that these water skills have become quite rusty. So keep them enrolled to keep them confident.

💦 Let’s get physical 💦

Have your kiddos got cabin fever? During the Winter, they can get restless not being able to run around outside [thanks a lot, cold weather]. Swimming is a great way to keep them fit and active while in an indoor environment. And how good is a heated pool, am I right?

💦 Make friends 💦

Year round swimming lessons are the perfect place for them to interact with other children and develop their social skills. They’ll learn the value of working together, helping each other and encouraging each other.

They’ll also improve their brain development. That’s right — studies have shown a strong link between swimming lessons and improved cognitive ability, literacy and numeracy. 

💦 Safety first 💦

It’s a common misconception that drownings only happen in Summer when everyone’s at the pool or beach. But did you know Royal Life Saving found 34% of drownings happen in the Autumn and Winter seasons?

You never know when they might need to apply the basic swimming and safety skills learnt in their lessons to a real life situation, so it pays to be prepared. Learning how to tread water, float and call for help with their hands are all essential teachings.

Swoodi to the rescue!

The best thing to do after a swim in Winter? Have a warm shower and rug up as much as possible in your Swoodi.

Do not — I repeat do not — go outside in your wet bathers and flimsy towel. That’s just asking for blue lips and the whole body shivers.  Instead, grab yourself a trusty Swoodi hooded towel and hair wrap [because we lose most of our body heat from our head!].

💗 Made from thick, absorbent, high-quality cotton towelling

💗 Convenient zip front to lock in the heat

💗 Long sleeves, deep pockets & an oversized hood for covering your entire body

Say goodbye to change rooms, heavy bags and squeezing wet, sticky, grumpy bodies into tricky clothes after class. Instead, enjoy no fuss, no fanfare and drum roll… No post-swimming hissy fits!

Click here to shop our range of kids pool robes.

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